Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Forget the Revolution!

Imma say it out loud. "Forget the revolution!" Yeah, I said it. I don't know if the revolution is happening, and it probably won't be televised (power of the Internet). But I am pretty confident in the fact that the revolution is something that we are waiting on.

Hmmm, "waiting on..."

It is so very difficult to wait. It takes a lot of hard work to be patience enough to wait. Patience is not a bad quality to have, is it? How about impatience? Both are fine, in balance (shout out to "dawleen"). Both are necessary with reform. Saw something couple of weeks ago:

I was watching a comedy special with Paul Mooney and he mentioned his problem with Africans. Within the auspices of a joke, he basically said his problem with Africans is that they let us ride a boat over here and no one ever came back to get us...try that with Americans (BTW, if you haven't seen it, see it).

I began to think about all of the things that we wait for, and figured, "will our nation, our family, someone come for us" was very likely a "real" conversation amongst slaves. Displaced kilometers from home (better get on that metric), conquered, and waiting for something to happen. Shortly thereafter I remembered that as a direct descendant of the Civil Rights Movement (interesting…movement, not revolution), we were taught to work hard to get where and what we want. No need to wait; we have struggled to get those doors opened for you. We are all familiar with “the struggle”. Wait one sec...let me make an additional declaration…and imma say it out loud:

"Struggle is not a virtue."

Struggle definitely builds character and is a great tool for spiritual and personal discipline; however, struggle is not a rite of passage. We are teaching our children about “a” struggle or, more accurately, to struggle. With “the struggle” being so intimately involved with “the revolution”, your revolution, when is the time to learn? Moreover, when is the time to teach? Not when you strugglin’.

But, I digress.

We have so many choices; choices afforded us by the greatest teachers. Let us not underestimate our influence. The revolution has been researched, marketed, and sold for your viewing and listening pleasure. Ever think we’re holding on so tight to what we were taught about the movement that we, essentially, render ourselves insufficiently equipped to move something (bootie-shake reference, ATL). Choose to “move” and let the story of the revolution be told.

My goal, ya’ll, is to present solutions and not create more questions. Well, I’ve checked and we are up to six (6) in this blog. So here we go:

"Forget the revolution!"

We just ain’t that patient. Let the story be told.

Homework assignments to follow…

Quick shout out to Taylor and Rhett…ya’ll probably have no idea that we just had this conversation.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

If you want some, come get some (in other words, Add me as a Friend)!

This will not be nearly as long as my last blog entry, but I wanted to wish everyone a very "Happy Valentines Day"…and briefly discuss "love" or some semblance of it…

The person fortunate enough to figure out "love" will be the wealthiest person, EVER. In the meantime, I just want to drop some bits and pieces on your mind (and I don't want any responses about different kinds of love…sh!t it's Valentine's Day):

  • Is love truly a selfless concern toward an object of affection?
  • Is love selfish?
  • Is it needed for marriage?
  • Is it an oxymoron to say "true love"?
  • Have you ever loved?
  • Is it really better to have loved and lost?

Not a single solution in the bunch, but does open the floor for today's discussion. Man, I don't know what love is, but with some many words to describe the feeling and so many ways to show that you "love", it's a wonder that "love" is not business…oh wait, it's Valentine's Day (but I digress). Having been described as a "hopeless romantic", I figured I would share a few things I learned (from therapy, of course) about how relationships can succeed and hopefully someone's V-Day will look (and feel) a little different tonight (not including the often obligatory holiday sex that results).

  • Together and jointly as one.
  • Every instance is a moment in time.
  • Affection is a function of both devotion and irresistibility.
  • Passion is concentrated enthusiasm.
  • Being receptive to emotions is both to give and receive.

One of the greatest things about love is that it is always changing. I've had people talk to me over and over again about how their relationship has changed, how their significant other has changed, and it is always looked upon as being a bad thing. Then the same people will say well we don't do anything different, and it's the same thing everyday…that's a problem. Love is a glass of water, or your favorite beverage (Patron), that can be endlessly replenished. Let's consider that for a moment; "endlessly replenished". The only thing we have to do is be there to fill the fill the person's glass. Your basic, material need to survive provides the structure for this behavior. The Ebbs and Flows of life can be properly managed with a full glass, because then, at else REALLY matters. This Valentine's Day, my wish is that everyone looks at love as a function of personal liability and not as a self interest.

- Possum Jones, 2007.02.14

Muses from me...

If you want some, come get some (in other words, Add me as a Friend)!

Let's take a trip, ya'll. Right out the box, I represent "The A" (and I'm so glad everyone knows what that means now).

"The worldwide headquarters of the Afrikan-American Experience"

I know there are many people from other places that may take offense to that, but just come down here and you will see that I'm not just talkin' out the side of my neck. We have a little bit of everything from a little bit of everywhere…except Atlanta…and I dig that.

Be patient, I won't take up a lot of time.

In my years, my eyes have produced an interesting screenplay of life. The purpose here is to get to root of my very being and share with the masses (or at least this MySpace edit window) a small libretto named "A First Safe Safari".

"…sounds like an argument. Is that momma and daddy fussin'? I better stay upstairs 'cause lord knows I'm not trying to get yelled at tonight. What are they talkin' about? I think my room is clean. Man, I'm hungry, what is there to eat? I wonder if I say that I am hungry, would they stop yellin'? I can't even move right now…not for real. I am SO hungry. SO hungry, that I am HOAN-GRY. What in the world am I supposed to do? Well, I'm supposed to be asleep. It's hot in here. Let me open this window and let some of this heat out…wait, now everybody can hear them fussin'…I better close this window. Well, I guess I better wait until…"

What you read above were the thoughts of a three (3) year old just before being presented with "real life". I chose this script because I wonder how many people were introduced to "real life" the same way. We often look at our lives and our various situations as this contained existence, unique in its personal affect. Ultimately, we convert our experiences to a self-preserving reality of independence (often incorrectly diagnosed as human nature). People, community, family, and congregation are all antonyms of this reality. Can we truly "share" with one another in this selfish state of being? The thoughts of this three year old, with limited life experience, can easily be translated into the state of our community. We are hungry, we are confused, we are fussing, and, unfortunately, we are still WAITING. I won't get into a long diatribe (…today…) about the "State of the Black Union", but I do want to say that we are not three years old anymore. We don't have to wait anymore.

The thoughts of three year old, with limited life experience, communicates another attribute that all of us see everyday in this online community: INSECURITY. The thought that we better close the window of "self", is also a symptom of "human nature". We are a unique, we are distinguished, and we are celebrated in every walk of life, but somewhere we have confused our pride with self-righteousness and it is rapidly becoming a tool of separation. Thugs, Christians, wealthy, college graduates are a fulfilling prophesy to create a lack of individualism. Maybe instead of "all men are create equal", we should say "each man is created equal". We are so inundated with style and perception to point where self-expression is merely someone else's expression. We desire to be categorized and accepted, and ultimately conceal and disable TRUTH in our never ending effort of self-preservation. It has taken a long time to create you and Gods greatest gift to man is self-determination. We don't have to be afraid.

Lastly, in this first safe safari, I would like to associate vocation. First, let me say that I think all of us with jobs understand that are working for a standard of living. We have become a productive, functioning, component in a typical existence. We are taught to do what we are told, then to do well in school in order to get a good job (which is fine, I guess). The three year old was compelled to question whether the room was clean enough, or was the room an object of dissension. How many of us feel that way at our jobs? How many times have we heard, we have to "work" twice as hard just to keep what we've got. For those of us with our own businesses, how often do we try NOT to focus our goods and services to the needs of our people because we don't want to "limit ourselves"? There is something that I have found to be very interesting and it is extremely evident in the hip-hop community. If we are not successful within our own culture and community, we are rarely successful as a crossover. Take a pause for a moment and really think about that while I run off some names in American History (in no particular order): Eli Whitney, Frederick Douglass (BTW, Happy Birthday Mr. Douglass), Percy Julian, MLK…more recently…Muhammad Ali, Richard Pryor, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Shawn Carter (forgive me for digressing, but it's Black History Month). My point is that although we don't want everybody in our business and we want to create diversity, success can be found right here with us. We don't have to be ashamed.

I mentioned the "root of my very being" and when you remove all of the layers, and the assortment levels, we get education. Education is teaching and learning. Education is culture. And Education is ME. Please feel free to comment and/or join in as I would love to hear what you all think. I will close with a common phrase I use when I'm doing IT work…

"solutions, not answers."

- Possum Jones, 2007.02.13